Katrin Butt is an artist,author,singer,actress,director,filmmaker, film producer and composer.
She studied experimental visual design at the Kunstuni in Linz(under Laurids Ortner,Lachmayer,Flatz,Metzger etc.)(Mag.art) and studied piano and jazz singing at the Brucknerconservatorium in Linz,she also received acting training(see page actress)
2022 masterclass directing with Lav Dias(golden Lion)
She had exhibitions at the Stadtwerkstatt with object art, showed her experimental films at the Ars Electronica Linz, at the Moviemento, at the Friedberger Filmtage and at the Linzer Schloß with Leo Schatzl.
After that she successfully performed in several formations with avant-garde music and pop at the Posthof, Kanal Schwertberg, Linzfest etc. She played with the group 10 Saiten 1 Bogen at the Posthof Linz and with H.G. Gutternig (now member of the group Russkaya) and with other international musicians.(Joe Zawinul, Dough Hammond, Ramsey Lewis,H.C Gutternig from Russkaja a.s.o.)
Katrin Butt began to perform with a one woman show in Linz, which was very successful, also in the cabaret Niedermaier in Vienna, in the Gmundner Stadttheater, Theater am Schwarzenbergplatz, at the Graz Kleinkunstfestival "Hin und Wieder" she won the music prize.
She was in the pre-selection of the Songcontest, in some Tv shows to see and had Airplay in fm4 (among other things in the protest songcontest) and Ö1, published 2 Cd s (ideemedienrecords) and the Ep Star with artfilmproductions in addition 2 Compilations with Wollviehproductions and the Lüne Tonstudio and wrote 2 books (see author).
Since 2022, Katrin Butt has also been organising a pop fest, which she hosts and at which she also performs alongside other artists. The first two editions of this took place live at Aera and Tunnel Vienna More information here :
She also staged her own performances and theatre projects (Kultur Hof), took part in other performances, also at Ars Electronica (Voices of Diversity, videos, concert).
(exhibitions, video presentations, Arkade Linz, Unarten Stadtwerkstadt, Landesgalerie Linz, etc...) (photo exhibitions in the "Anschlägen", Syltse, etc.)
Dance performance with her friend, the dancer Lucia Wagner, at the Rosalia Chladek Days, Theater an der Wien, etc.
After numerous videos in which she played herself and which were shown at over 34 festivals and won prizes, she founded the film company artfilmproductions and produced short films with Isabella Hübner (Sturm der Liebe), Doina Weber, Johanna Mertinz etc. which also won prizes at festivals (see artfilmproductions).
She made 2 documentaries, one about herself interviewed by Caroline Athanasiadis and one about Johanna Mertinz.
Katrin Butt has acted in her own films and others such as Tatort and recently with Aaron Karl and David Oberkogler in "Cranberry juice" by Ani Novakovic (see actress)and in Happy by Sandeep Kumar.
More projects are in the planning stages including 2 feature films and co-productions, as well as more theater projects and releases are planned.
Mr Trump celebrates Thanksgiving
Everything gets better
The Meiers
L'amour de confinement
Out of the dark (doku)
Football is not for men!
Artist portraits
Mamma,we still have curtains in the garden!
Mamma,we still have curtains in the garden!
.It is about the conflict between daughter and mother, who are glued to each other, hate and love each other and can't seem to get out of this vicious circle. This conflict is unexpectedly resolved.
with Katrin Butt and Marion Rottenhofer
Director Katrin Butt
Camera Wolfram Hermann Hubler
Mr Trump celebrates Thanksgiving
Mr Trump celebrates well with his family, still? But one looks for the abysses. The end is unforeseen. with the TV star Isabella Hübner (Storm of Love) Katrin Butt and others
music video
reworked and sung by Katrin Butt.Homage to Romy Schneider.(Sautet)with Elisabeth Kanettis and Florentin Groll.
Artist portraits of Johanna Mertinz
Katrin Butt interviewed the actress Johanna Mertinz. documentation
camera Artem Belov
Direction, Questions, Editing Katrin Butt
experimental video Older videos that Katrin Butt shot at the University of Art and Design Linz are being edited and edited to create something completely new. Out of the dark experimental video something new emerges from performance videos from the past through re-editing.
Music Karl Orff
Video and presentation, editing, art director Katrin Butt
Out of the dark
experimental video Older videos that Katrin Butt shot at the University of Art and Design Linz are being edited and edited to create something completely new. Out of the dark experimental video something new emerges from performance videos from the past through re-editing.
Musik Karl Orff
Performance,editing Katrin Butt
Experimental video
Short commercial-like clips combine to form a whole. The woman who talks to her breasts and frees them, the singing woman who says she is lard herself and someone throws an egg on their own head to eat it.
40 seconds
Short art pieces by Katrin Butt
Everything different Experimentakvideo
people are going in the streats.Everything is normal.Suddenly you here guns,bombs,children are crying,and than you see the lights
0:58 minutes,
Kamera,editing,etc.Katrin Butt
Mr Trump celebrates Thanksgiving
In german
Katrin Butt ist eine Künstlerin,Autorin,Sängerin,Schauspielerin,Regisseurin,Filmemacherin und Filmproduzentin
Sie studierte an der Kunstuni in Linz experimentelle visuelle Gestaltung.(unter Laurids Ortner,Lachmayer,Flatz,Metzger etc.)(Mag.art) und studierte am Brucknerconservatorium in Linz Klavier und Jazzgesang,außerdem erhielt sie Schauspielausbildungen.(siehe Seite Schauspielerin).
Seit 2022 veranstaltet Katrin Butt auch ein pop fest ,das sie moderiert und bei dem sie neben anderen Künstlern auch auftritt.Die ersten beiden Ausgaben davon fanden im Aera und Tunnel Vienna live statt Mehr Infos hier :
Sie hatte Ausstellungen in der Stadtwerkstatt mit Objektkunst,zeigte ihre u.A. Experimentalfilme bei der Ars Electronica Linz, im Moviemento,bei den Friedberger Filmtagen und in der Linzer Landesgalerie mit u.a. Leo Schatzl.
Danach trat sie in mehreren Formationen mit avantgardistischer Musik und auch Pop u.A im Posthof,im Kanal Schwertberg,beim Linzfest mit Erfolg auf.Sie spielte u.A. mit der Gruppe 10 Saiten 1 Bogen im Posthof Linz und mit H.G.Gutternig (jetzt Mitglied der Gruppe Russkaya)und mit anderen internationalen Musikern zusammen..(Joe Zawinul, Ramsey Lewis,Dough Hammond a.s.o.)
Katrin Butt begann mit einer One Woman show u.A. in Linz aufzutreten,die sehr erfolgreich war,ebenfalls im Kabarett Niedermaier in Wien,im Gmundner Stadttheater ,Theater am Schwarzenbergplatz.Beim Grazer Kleinkunstfestival "Hin und Wieder"gewann sie den Musikpreis.
Sie war in der Vorausscheidung vom Songcontest,in einigen Tv Shows zu sehen und hatte Airplay in fm4 (u.A.im Protestsongcontest)und Ö1,veröffentlichte 2 Cd s(ideemedienrecords) und die Ep Star bei artfilmproductions außerdem 2 Compilations bei Wollviehproductions und dem Lüne Tonstudio und schrieb 2 Bücher(siehe Autorin)
Sie inszenierte auch eigene Performances und Theaterprojekte(Kultur Hof),nahm an anderen Performances ,auch bei der Ars Electronica teil.(Voices of Diversity, Videos, Konzert)
(Ausstellungen Videopräsentationen,Arkade Linz,Unarten Stadtwerkstadt,Landesgalerie Linz etc...)(Fotobeiräge in den"Anschlägen",Syltse etc.)
Tanzperformance mit ihrer Freundin,der Tänzerin Lucia Wagner bei den Rosalia Chladek Tagen,Theater an der Wien etc.
Nach zahlreichen Videos,in denen sie selbst spielte und die auf über 34 Festivals gezeigt wurden und Preise gewannen,gründete sie die Filmfirma artfilmproductions und produzierte Kurzfilme u.A.mit Isabella Hübner(Sturm der Liebe),Doina Weber,Johanna Mertinz etc die ebenfalls Preise auf Festivals gewannen(siehe artfilmproductions).
Sie drehte 2 Dokumentationen,eine über sich interviewt von Caroline Athanasiadis und eine über Johanna Mertinz
Katrin Butt spielte in ihren eigenen Filmen und anderen wie z.B Tatort und vor Kurzem mit Aaron Karl und David Oberkogler in"Cranberry juice"von Ani Novakovic.(siehe Schauspielerin)
Weitere Projekte sind in Planung auch 2 Langfilme und Koproduktionen ,ebenso sind weitere Theaterprojekte und Releases geplant.
2022 nahm Katrin Butt bei einer Masterclass,einem Workshop für Regie und Film bei Lav Dias(goldener Löve)teil.
Mr Trump feiert Thanksgiving

Katrin Butt
artist singer actress director writer filmmaker filmproducer